
IthinkIfoundabugwhenItrytoremovePolylinesfrommymap.Therearecertaineventsinmyapplicationthatchangesthecurrentlyrendered ...,whenthereisaclearlydocumentedmethodforthepurpose.@maciekS:Youcancleardirectionspolylineandthemarkersby.setMap(null)methodofthe ...,Youarepushingallthepolylineobjectsintoanarrayline.Youcanmakeitinvisibleorremoveitfromthemapbyloopingitlikethis.,Explainshowtocollectpolylinest...

Cannot remove Polylines from GoogleMap · Issue #675

I think I found a bug when I try to remove Polylines from my map. There are certain events in my application that changes the currently rendered ...

Directions how to clear maps?

when there is a clearly documented method for the purpose. @ maciekS: You can clear directions polyline and the markers by .setMap (null) method of the ...

Google Maps API v3 remove all polylines

You are pushing all the polyline objects into an array line. You can make it invisible or remove it from the map by looping it like this.

How to delete all polygons in Google Maps API

Explains how to collect polyline strings together using push and then delete all the polylines.

How to Delete Polyline from Google Maps

Hello, can someone help me on how to remove a polyline created from the Navigation? Here is my Code. Thank you.

How to remove all the polylines from a map

If you want to removes all markers, polylines, polygons, overlays, etc from the map use mMap.clear(); //it will remove all additional objects from map.

Remove Polyline Google Maps

In this example you will learn how to remove a polyline from in google map. Here you can view the output of the example and you can also try it yourself ...

Removing polylines from google maps

I have a point where a Gpolyline line is drawn from a marker to another point. After I click on it a second time, I want to remove the polyline.

Removing Polylines | Maps JavaScript API

This example adds a UI control that allows the user to remove the polyline from the map. Read the documentation.

Shapes and lines | Maps JavaScript API

To remove a polyline from the map, call the setMap() method passing null as the argument. In the following example, flightPath is a polyline object: flightPath.